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Allgemeine Informationen

We believe in the power of football to change the world for the better. Our mission is to provide youth football coaches with the tools they need in order to use football as a vehicle for social change and act as multipliers and role models that lead by example and make a positive impact on their peers and their communities.

Educating Coaches
We recruite and qualify coaches to use football specific training for children to promote their personal, emotional and social development.

Sharing Knowledge
For us, knowledge shouldn’t just be free and accessible but shared openly between coaches, associations & organizations.

Empowering Leaders
We support coaches with new methods and knowledge to serve as a role model for their teams and communities.

Loving Football
We enjoy what we’re doing because we care passionately about our projects and have joy in watching coaches grow and kids having fun.



Matthias Doherr
Football for Worldwide Unity e.V.
Register-Nr.: VR31817
Dieses Projekt ist als gemeinnützig anerkannt. Daher kann eine steuerabzugsfähige Spendenquittung ausgestellt werden.
Mühlbergweg 13
61137 Schöneck

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